Director's Liability: How Can a Director in Nova Scotia Ensure They Are Meeting Their Obligations?

Director's Liability: How Can a Director in Nova Scotia Ensure They Are Meeting Their Obligations?

The role of directors in a company and the liability they can incur by their actions is not often the subject of mainstream news reporting. It sometimes comes up when discussing corruption in large multinational companies. However, a recent local court decision has shone a light on this infrequently discussed topic. 

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To Incorporate or Not to Incorporate, That Is the Question.

To Incorporate or Not to Incorporate, That Is the Question.

Whether it is time to incorporate is a question often pondered by business people. There are two primary reasons to incorporate a business:

1.       Your business can realize tax savings through utilizing a corporate structure; and

2.       Your business activities are risky and you would like to place this risk on the corporation’s shoulders instead of your own.

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