if you are young & Healthy, Do you Need a Power of Attorney or Personal Healthcare Directive in Nova Scotia?

if you are young & Healthy, Do you Need a Power of Attorney or Personal Healthcare Directive in Nova Scotia?

In Nova Scotia, a Power of Attorney and Personal Healthcare Directive are documents you can use to appoint someone else to make decisions for you. The documents can come into effect right away or only upon your incompetence. The Power of Attorney appoints someone to take care of your property and finances. Your Personal Healthcare Directive appoints someone to take care of you, personally, specifically your medical and healthcare needs.

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Does My Nova Scotia Power of Attorney Need a Witness to be Valid?

Does My Nova Scotia Power of Attorney Need a Witness to be Valid?

In Nova Scotia, all things ‘Power of Attorney’ are governed by the recently updated (July 2022) Powers of Attorney Act.

The Act tells us that in order for a Power of Attorney executed after July 2022 to be valid, the donor’s signature must be witnessed by not just one, but TWO witnesses. 

The following criteria must be met for the witnesses to be eligible:

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